Well, we are having a baby!!It was some what unexpected...but we are super excited.
I found out in August, the same day as my sisters wedding reception.
I didnt want to take away from my sisters big day so I didn't even tell Kelly until 2 days later. I had Hersh's help in telling him...
she loves me
if you cant tell

12-ish weeks..the first picture I took. I don't think I really looked too different and I definitely didn't look any different with my shirt covering my stomach. I wasn't really sick at all, just tired and nauseous mostly at night.

13 weeks-Still felt the same. I had a hard time sleeping at night and would wake up feeling sick. Im still pretty lucky I only felt really sick at night so that it didn't affect my work.I cant imagine feeling sick like that all day at work.
I dont crave too much but LOVE lemonade and orange juice. I also hate all meat and the smell of eggs. Yuck.

14 weeks-right before we went to Oregon and had a wonderful vacation. This is when I started to notice a little bump.
15 weeks-I had two clients at work say they thought they noticed a bump and asked if I was pregnant. Kind of shocked me since I don't think its that noticeable. Especially with the looser, comfy clothes ive been wearing and loving...but I guess it is?!
This week I have my 16 week appt and the Dr. (I love my doctor) did an ultrasound. It was nice to finally have Kelly able to come to an appointment and see our little baby. I sent this picture to my family and drew on it so they could better understand what they were looking at. At my next appointment we will have the anatomy scan and get to see a more clear picture and have a longer look at everything. Lets hope this month goes fast.
Sooooo cute!