4 months
This has been the fastest summer ever. Kelly has been crazy busy with school. He finished Organic Chemistry and did awesome and has been volunteering with football all summer. He just finished up football camp which was insane. He was gone every morning at 5am until 5-9 pm...it was hard on everyone to say the least. Hopefully this fall we will get to squeeze in a little more family time. I cant believe that Kenley is getting so big.She rolls over back to stomach, stomach to back. Laughs and giggles, and is especially ticklish under her chin. We go swimming all the time and shes such a good little swimmer.She only naps for about 20 minutes at a time but sleeps great at night so its ok with me. She has started to notice Hershey and will "pet" her (or grab her fur) but they are cute together. Hershey gets so concerned whenever Kenley cries and likes to come check on her by sniffing and licking her. We've taken her boating a few times and shes done really good..but doesn't love the life jacket.
Trying to scoot her way around, butt in the air
she sleeps with her arm across her eyes
She found her thumb this last week...not my favorite habit but she is so funny with it
sleepy after swimming
good morning
yummy Popsicles
her "mama odie" look
she reminds me of a baby hippo in this picture...this was after a massive blowout in a parking lot.hiking to Lake Mary. Once we got up to the lake it began to rain, then really rain with the loudest thunder Ive ever heard and lightening. Then it started to hail. we were soaked by the time we got down to the car. It was a ton of fun but I felt bad Kenley. That hail hurt!

our little fishy
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