Sunday, May 4, 2014

April 18

Kenleys story
I woke up at 2 am needing to go to the bathroom, went back to bed and two hours later had the same feeling.  At that point I wondered if maybe my water had broke and was leaking slowly.  I decided to wait and see if any thing else would happen and to call my Dr at 8. Kelly left for school at 6 and around 745 my Dr called.  I was originally scheduled to be induced that morning but had cancelled it the day before, and they forgot to let my Dr know. My Dr told me to eat breakfast, go walking and come in to see her at 10:45. I text Kelly to let him know what was going on and he came home to go walking.
At my Dr appt she knew right away that my water had broken and they wheeled me over to the hospital to get registered.We got situated in the delivery room around 11:30, my first nurse was pretty pushy and kept trying to talk me into an epidural and pitocin right away. I didn't want anything I didn't need so I refused and we walked the halls for a bit. I didn't have any really painful contractions until about 2pm. The same nurse kept  constantly saying she wanted to give me pitocin and how I should get an epidural right away, even though the pain was not that bad and I was progressing at a normal rate. 
Around 3 my amazing midwife came in to check on me and see how I was doing, she showed Kelly some things to do to help me deal with the contractions and told me she'd keep an eye on me and come back around 5.
So for the next few hours we hung out, drank smoothies, and Kelly studied for his finals the next week.The My midwife Laura came back around 6, and by then I was dilated to a 6 and having some pretty bad contractions. I still wasn't ready for an epidural and was handling it all ok, she said she was going to go home and come back in a few hours. Around 7, after being dilated to a 7 for a while I decided to get an epidural..mainly because I was nervous for the pain I might feel after delivery. I wasn't against an epidural, I just wanted to decide as things happened. The anesthesiologist Charlie was called  and he came in about 20 minutes. He was super nice and really cool. I asked him to give me a low dose, what they call a walking epidural.The epidural was great, I could still feel and move my legs and could feel the contractions just with less pain. It was around that time we text our parents letting them know if they wanted to come see us at the hospital they could. We just hung out for a while and probably around 10 I started to have horrible pain in my back, it was worse than any contractions I had times 10, and they were really hard to get through. Charlie came back and upped the epidural which helped some
 and then it was go time.
I pushed for 1:45 the first hour was ok then the back pain came back full force. Charlie was called in again and gave me 3 syringes straight into my epidural which should have really made the epidural kick in and stop all and any pain...but it didn't.I could feel everything. Around that time baby's heart rate dropped low for a few minutes and things got a little intense. We found out she was face up and with her heart rate so low the on call Dr was called in.
He was not nice.
He barged in and pretty much told me " we can try forceps to turn the baby, but that doesn't usually work, or c section"
I lost it, and started crying. Not only do I not like this Dr from a past experience but he was really rude to me, and I later found out, my family. He had horrible bedside manner and was not gentle at all.
I chose to try forceps because I really did not want a c section, I wanted to at least try, and at that point I had already been pushing for over an hour and a half.
So he forcefully did what he needed to, got her turned and out with forceps, stitched me up and walked out.
.Luckily I had the most amazing nurses that held my hand and talked me through the whole thing. They really saved me. don't even remember who announced she was a girl. I just remember hearing it said and not hearing her cry and wanting to know if she was ok.
 Kelly got to hold Kenley and I was asked if I wanted to but thought Id better wait until after I was repaired because I was in a ton of pain.
It was so amazing to finally hold her and I fell in love with her instantly.Even though things  were kind of traumatic I wouldn't change what happened at all. I love my midwife and all the nurses and I'm glad that the Dr that ended up delivering her and repairing me was there to get her to us safely.
 I love being  a mom  and getting to stay home with her all day for the next few weeks. I never thought id want to be a stay at home mom but now I cant wait until we can one day make that happen

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