Summer is over and school is back in for Kelly, but at least its his senior year...FINALLY. This year he will spend the whole time with the University of Utah football team instead of doing rotations of different schools and sports for athletic training. The football schedule is rough. He is at school 7 days a when I tell people he is never home, they think I mean Monday-Friday but when they find out its 7 days pretty much every ones reaction is the same. "that sucks" yes, yes it does. He travels with the team to all away games and Saturday home games he is there all day.Hopefully since the world is obsessed with football this will open extra opportunities for Med school when that time comes.
Kenley and I have just enjoyed the warm weather, I'm not excited for winter or snow. I hate driving to work in the snow.
Scavenging for berries and pears. She became an expert at finding "baiwees".

Having fun one night at Echo reservoir. She warmed up to the water, eventually

Lined up her babies, proud of it
smoot park on a warm day, playing in the water. Reminds me of doing things like this when I was little

Play date with Bradley. Kenley pretty much calls all little boys Bradley. This was her first time at Kangaroo zoo and she liked it a lot more than I expected.

The fair! We didn't go last year because of rain. It was so fun to take Kenley on rides and the big yellow slide. She cried after we went down the slide and kept saying "Again! Again!"
She is obsessed with "dine-sin-saurs".
She picked out some new jammies and was set on dinosaur ones.
I love how she pronounces dinosaurs right now.
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