Thursday, November 1, 2012

Not a lot

At first it seemed like we havent done anything fun lately but then as I started to think about it we've really done some fun things this month. Its been great.
For Kelly's fall break we went up to his family's farm in Idaho with some of Kelly's friends.

Its really pretty up there and there is a lot to do but I think my favorite part is the Llamas. (They are really Alpacas and Kelly always corrects me but I like the sound of Llamas better)

 and this guy is at a gas station on the way home, hes so cute!

We went to St George to enjoy some sun and play at the wake park once more before they closed.
The weather was perfect, the water was just a little cold early in the morning, but it was still great.

We practiced our awesome tricks.

At least Kelly is improving...

& we got to spend time with my Mom and sister who were also visiting Travis.



We went to the Centerpoint theater and saw The Scarlet Pimpernel. It was Awesome! We loved it! Even though we live minutes from Centerpoint theater we had never been before but we hope to go back again soon.

On the 27th we did a Zombie 5K. Ciec really wanted to do a zombie run because there are tons all over but sometimes these races are so expensive.  I found a deal on KSL deals for the zombie chase  for $25 (normally $50-$60) so early Saturday morning Ciec, Kells, Kelly and I  headed to Provo to do this zombie obstacle course run. It was the first year for the zombie chase and we all had fun but we all agreed that if we had paid normal cost for this it would have been a little disappointing. They definitely need at least twice as many zombies and probably a few more obstacles. The zombies were all volunteers (I think) so next year if we decide to do this again we will just volunteer as zombies because that looked like fun.
Then that night we went to a party at our friend Tug & Tina's house
we went as pirates...our costumes were pretty annoying with the giant hats, but oh well
Happy Halloween!!

Now onto November

Cheddar Jalapeno bread

So the other night we had enrichment night for my ward. Is that even what its called? I don't know..I just know it used to be called home making and I like that name better because its old and kind of funny.
Any way.. we learned a simple bread recipe that is quick (besides the rise time) and easy to make and the dough lasts 14 days in the fridge which is awesome. So today I went over to my next door neighbors house and we mixed up our bread dough. It took a whole 10 mins then I spent another hour and twenty mins talking with her and hanging out with her cute 4 year old playing with tractors and (fake) spiders.
So tonight I used about 1/4 of the dough and added some garlic salt, jalapenos and cheddar cheese and make some bread. 

Its SO good. 
I couldn't even wait for it to cool down before I tried some and I don't think it will last long, especially once Kelly figures out what it is. (He loves this type of bread) A lot of the time he is skeptical of my cooking creations, until he tries them and eats most of it. 

Although I have to admit ive made a few things that will never be made again.
Thanks to pinterest for boasting to be "the best recipe ever!" No, no you were not

I really like because you can actually read reviews and changes people have made rather than just see a picture and a description of what one person wrote.

The best part about this bread and the simplicity of it is that it can be used for just about anything. Plain bread, garlic bread, sweet bread, cinnamon rolls...the options are endless and I certainly plan on experimenting a bunch, after all I have 3 more types of bread to test out in 14 days. Lets hope they all turn out as good at this.

Bread recipe
Makes 4 1lb loaves
3 c lukewarm water
1 1/2 T granulated yeast (2 packets)
1 1/2 T kosher salt
6 1/2 c unsifted, unbleached all purpose white flour
2 oz chopped jalapenos
chunks of cheddar cheese
garlic salt

mix all ingredients in a 6 qt container until flour is blended. Dough will be very wet. cover loosely and let rest 2 hours on counter. Refrigerate for a minimum of 3 hours

To shape: lightly dust dough with flour. pull off 1/4 amount of dough. lightly dust with flour. shape into rounded loaf by stretching dough continuously toward bottom of loaf and inward, rotating the ball as you go. 
Flip ball over and put cheese & jalapenos in middle of ball
continue to shape and stretch ball kneading fillings into the middle of the dough.
place on baking sheet with parchment paper.

Let loaf rest of counter for 20 mins and heat oven to 450. After 20 mins place baking sheet in oven with another sheet on bottom rack.
Let sit another 20 mins. 
Slide loaf onto top baking sheet
pour 1 C HOT water onto lower baking sheet and quickly shut oven to retain steam. 
bake 30 mins.

(by adding the lower baking sheet and adding water it creates a crisper crust for the bread and its delicious!)

bread recipe from